
legislative timetable中文是什么意思

  • 立法程序时间表



  • 例句与用法
  • Whether it will amend the legislation to recognize sick leave certificates issued by registered chiropractors ; if it will , of the legislative timetable ; if not , the reasons for that
  • It will , by way of legislation , prohibit shops from refusing to take any notes and coins which are legal tender ; if it will , of the legislative timetable and the proposed penalty ; if not , the reasons for that
  • Whether it plans to amend the employment ordinance cap . 57 to specifically provide for the inclusion of commission of the above nature in the calculation of holiday pay and annual leave pay ; if so , of the legislative timetable and contents ; if not , the reasons for that
  • Given that the commissioner has pointed out in the investigation report that the personal data privacy ordinance cap . 486 is unclear in certain aspects , whether the government will review and amend the ordinance ; if it will , of the legislative timetable ; if it will not , the reasons for that , and whether there are other solutions
  • Whether it will consider enacting legislation on air quality management to replace the existing practice note which has no legal effect , in order to provide an environment with good air quality for passengers and station staff ; if so , of the legislative timetable ; if not , the reasons for that
  • 推荐英语阅读
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